Do You Know The Triple-A Formula for Attracting People?

According to Les Giblin in “How to Have Confidence and Power In Dealing With People” he says the “Tri-fecta” for meeting people is:

Acceptance, Approval & Appreciation

As one psychologist expressed it,” No one has the power to reform another person, but by liking the other person as he/she is, you give them the power to change himself.”

Now you may not THINK you are in the business of changing people…but if you are in business you truly are asking people to change.

You are asking them to change a product or a service. You are asking them to move trust from one place to another…and how do you do that?

They must be more attracted to what you have to offer than what they are already receiving. Quite honestly, it is a tough job. We are creatures of habit.

“If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”

Add willful ignorance (choosing to ignore that what you have or what you are doing doesn’t work) and the chances of persuading a change seems nearly impossible.

How Do You Apply This Magic Formula?

1) Accept people as they are with no strings attached. Don’t try and cram your client into your mold but instead find the perfect fit for them. Even if that means they don’t choose you or your product this time. They will be more likely to return next time if you were honest about what you offer and how it applies to what they needed the first time.

2)Approve of them. Look for something you can sincerely approve of. Their desire to educate themselves about the best product, there goal of improvement by searching our your service. This is NOT FLATTERY! Be genuine about noticing your clients gifts, talents or discernment.

3)Appreciate each and every person you come in contact with. You never know who will be your next customer so treat everyone with respect. Find the way to make that person feel special not because you want their business but because they are another human being sharing space on this Earth…and PS wouldn’t you want to be treated the same?

Now go build your community!

Kym Lamb

Social Media Manager and Community Coach